Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Batman - Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight score builds on Batman Begins' sound, but ratchets up the propulsive power of the music. While many people criticized the lack of a big theme from the the first movie, Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard, and Christopher Nolan have made it clear in several interviews that this was intentional. Bruce Wayne is in the process of finding himself and discovering what kind of person/hero that Batman will be. Hence, the music was designed to not have a "Batman theme." But the composers did compose a theme. Fragments of this theme underlie Batman Begins, and in Dark Knight more of this theme is revealed. It gets it's fullest statement on the album in the last track, "Dark Knight", a 16 minute suite. The big theme is very different from the Elfman and Goldenthal themes, but it fits the style that Nolan has created. The theme is straight out of the Late Romantic period, sounding like something from Rachmaninoff or Tchaikovsky. Very beautiful and full of dark emotion. 

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